Problem Dynamically Importing Components at Runtime in NextJS: Solutions and Workarounds
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Problem Dynamically Importing Components at Runtime in NextJS: Solutions and Workarounds

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When building dynamic and scalable applications with NextJS, one of the common challenges developers face is dynamically importing components at runtime. In this article, we’ll delve into the reasons behind this issue and explore solutions and workarounds to help you overcome it.

The Problem: Dynamic Imports in NextJS

In NextJS, components are typically imported statically using ES6 imports, which allows for optimal code splitting and server-side rendering. However, when you need to import components dynamically at runtime, things get complicated.

The main issue is that NextJS uses a static site generation (SSG) approach, which means that the application is pre-built during the build process. This makes it challenging to import components dynamically at runtime, as the necessary code might not be available.

Causes of the Problem

  • NextJS’s SSG approach, which pre-builds the application
  • Limited support for dynamic imports in Webpack
  • Component code not being available at runtime

Solutions and Workarounds

Fortunately, there are ways to dynamically import components at runtime in NextJS. Here are some solutions and workarounds to help you overcome this challenge:

1. Using the next/dynamic Module

The next/dynamic module provides a way to dynamically import components at runtime. This module uses a dedicated chunk for each dynamic import, allowing for optimal code splitting.


import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';

const MyDynamicComponent = dynamic(() => import('../components/MyComponent'));

2. Utilizing the loadable-components Library

The loadable-components library provides a way to dynamically import components using a higher-order component (HOC). This library works seamlessly with NextJS and allows for easy code splitting.


import loadable from '@loadable/component';

const MyDynamicComponent = loadable(() => import('../components/MyComponent'));

3. Implementing a Custom Solution using Webpack

If the above solutions don’t meet your requirements, you can implement a custom solution using Webpack’s dynamic import capabilities. This approach requires more effort, but provides a high degree of customization.


import webpack from 'webpack';

const dynamicImport = webpackChunkName => {
  return import(`../components/${webpackChunkName}`);

const MyDynamicComponent = dynamicImport('MyComponent');


Dynamically importing components at runtime in NextJS can be challenging, but there are solutions and workarounds available. By using the next/dynamic module, loadable-components library, or implementing a custom solution using Webpack, you can overcome this issue and build dynamic and scalable applications with NextJS.

Remember to choose the solution that best fits your project requirements, and don’t hesitate to explore further if you encounter any issues.

  1. Check the NextJS documentation for more information on dynamic imports
  2. Explore the loadable-components library for more features and customization options
  3. Join the NextJS community to discuss and learn from others who have faced similar challenges

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Problem dynamically importing components at runtime NextJS” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck with dynamically importing components at runtime in NextJS? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Check out these FAQs to get back on track.

What is dynamic importing, and why do I need it in NextJS?

Dynamic importing allows you to load components only when they’re needed, reducing your bundle size and improving performance. In NextJS, you might need it when you have components that are not used on every page, or when you want to lazy-load components for better user experience.

How do I dynamically import components in NextJS?

You can dynamically import components in NextJS using the `import()` function, which returns a promise that resolves to the imported module. For example, `const MyComponent = await import(‘components/MyComponent’).then(m => m.default);` Then, you can use the imported component like any other component.

What are some common issues I might face with dynamic importing in NextJS?

Some common issues include forgetting to add the `default` prop when importing, not handling loading states properly, or running into SSR (Server-Side Rendering) issues. Make sure to check the NextJS docs and the official React documentation for more information on dynamic importing.

Can I use dynamic importing with getStaticProps or getServerSideProps?

No, you can’t use dynamic importing with getStaticProps or getServerSideProps because they run on the server, and dynamic importing only works on the client-side. However, you can use NextJS’s built-in support for internationalized routing, which allows you to pre-render pages for different languages or regions.

How do I handle loading states when dynamically importing components in NextJS?

You can handle loading states by using a loading component or a skeleton component while the dynamic import is being resolved. You can also use a library like React Query or SWR to handle loading states and caching for you.

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